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I have been working in two experimental projects which aim to build value in social networks through use of artificial inteligence and statistical learning: Ayni Social (Rotating Savings and Lending Associations and Peer-to-Peer lending) and (network of professional recommendations).

As education background, I am a Chemical Engineering from Escola Politénica da USP, with MBA at IMD in Lausanne, Switzerland. Have more than 25 years of experience working in multinationals such as PWC, Dow Chemical, General Electric, Willis Towers Watson, Genworth and AXA, in Europe and Latin America.

Major specializations include General Management, Business Development/Strategy, Project Management, Data Science as Six Sigma Master Black Belt, over different industries such as Banking/Consumer Finance, Insurance, Financial Services, Consulting and Chemicals.

In the last 3 years I have been pursuing a Master's in Computer Science at IME - USP. My academic research topic is about CreditWorthiness using Social Capital, which include Social Network Analysis models using Graph Algorithms and AI.

Also have a holding company, SolveSeg (insurance brokerage) and SolveGraph (management consulting with focus in AI and Graph Analytics).

In the 3rd sector, work as a director of the Fundação Márcio Eduardo Barone Brandão where we develop social assistance and education projects for poor children.

I am a passionate about outdoor sports, either at the sea (surfing), at the mountains (ski) or airbone (paragliding).